Students Grievance Redressal Cell
 Example:- B.A. 1st Year
 About Swami Atmanand English Medium College, Dhanora,Dist-Durg, C.G. 490001
Established on 12th Aug. 2015 by honorable Higher Education minister of C.G., Shri Prepprakarh ji Pandey Model College chronicles the rural Student's education in Chhattisgarh. Initially it started in Govt .V.Y.T.PG Autonomous College, Durg the lead college of the district 913 Creation provided a Unique opportunity to young rural background Students for quality higher education For many it was a dream to come true. This collage came in existence with the concept of residential Campus, Model College offers education in under graduate level with physic, Math’s, computer Science, General Hindi, General English and additional Subject Environment Studies with 50 seats for each class with above combinations of subject.
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 Total Students
  272  Total Courses
 From The Principal's Desk

Human life two things are equally important - one is family and the other is educational institution. Besides developing the latent talents of a student, an educational institution makes him prepared to face the challenges of life. In this regard, a quality institution ensures a successful life both for the teacher and the taught. Govt Model College Durg C.G. is one of the highest seats of learning in the country. Here students get ample opportunities to acquire knowledge and updated information so that they can win the laurel in their practical life. This college is committed to building a promising and prosperous nation. 

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 Total Faculties
  9  Years of Excellence